is a manga series created by the duo Yoshinori Nakai and Takashi Shimada, known as Yudetamago. It follows Suguru Kinniku, a superhero who must win a wrestling tournament to retain the title of prince of Planet Kinniku. Nakai and Takashi planned the series when they were attending high school originally as a parody to ''Ultraman''. The manga was originally published in Shueisha's ''Weekly Shōnen Jump'' from 1979 to 1987, and was first adapted by Toei Animation into a 137-episode anime series broadcast on Nippon Television from 1983 to 1986. It restarted publication in 2011, and has spawned spin-off manga and anime series, video games, anime films, and several ''Kinnikuman''-related merchandise. Among the several spin-offs, there is ''Ultimate Muscle'' manga series that was serialized in ''Weekly Playboy'' between 1998 and 2004, and published in Northern America by Viz Media. It was also adapted into three different television series, all of which were broadcast by TV Tokyo in Japan and released in Northern America by 4Kids Entertainment. The manga series has been popular in Japan, selling over 70 million copies by 2015. As popular as was the anime series and its merchandise, such as Kinkeshi, a line of action figures released as M.U.S.C.L.E. in the Northern America. Although it received the Shogakukan Manga Award for children's manga in 1985, it has received mixed reviews from critics. ==Plot== The story involves Kinnikuman (real name Suguru Kinniku), a clumsy, foolish superhero who discovers that he is the missing prince of the planet Kinniku (known for producing the greatest superheroes in the universe). Since he is a clumsy fool, however, he must prove himself worthy of the throne. To do so he enters wrestling competitions and battles evil Chojin, culminating in a tournament between Kinnikuman and five pretenders to the throne: Kinnikuman Big Body, Soldier, Zebra, Mariposa and Super Phoenix. Many of Kinnikuman's allies begin as villains (Ramenman, Buffalo Man, Ashuraman and Warsman) or arrogant heroes (Terryman, Robin Mask and Rikishiman). The heroes and villains are collectively known as , which literally means "supermen". 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Kinnikuman」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク